Pilsner All Grain Brewing Ingredients 20 Litre Kit

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This ingredients kit from Speidel is designed for use with the Braumeister range of all in one brewing setups. This is an all grain kit with enough high quality malts, hops and yeast to brew around 20 litres of beer. This is an easy drinking, everyday Pilsner that is smooth and far more flavoursome than anything you will find in the supermarket! Please note all malts are supplied uncrushed so will need to be prepared before use. The ingredients in this kit are perfectly suitable for use in any all grain setup.


Malt (uncrushed):
4.0 kg Pilsner Malt
0.5 kg Wheat Malt

30g Tettnanger (4.2% Alpha)

11.5 g Saflager S-23 


Malt (uncrushed): 4.0 kg Pilsner Malt 0.5 kg Wheat Malt

Hops: 30g Tettnanger (4.2% Alpha)

Yeast: 11.5 g Saflager S-23