A Stevenson Reeves hydrometer.
A 100ml capacity jar calibrated and specifically designed for use with a hydrometer to test the Specific Gravity (SG) of a liquid.
A Stevenson Reeves triple scale hydrometer and a 100ml calibrated sampling jar for testing.
An inexpensive yet highly accurate tool for measuring the pH of your liquid. Ideal for the homebrewer and amateur cider maker.
A complete testing kit including pH meter, temperature probe, buffer solution, electrode and carrying case.
50 pH indicator strips with a range of 2.8 - 4.4. These are ideal for testing juice prior to the fermentation of wine or cider.
5 sachets of pH 4.01 and 5 sachets of pH 7.01 with each containing 20 mL of buffer.
A cost effective yet highly accurate handheld refractometer, used to measure the Brix % and determine the sugar content of a solution.
The HI-96801 Refractometer, an industry standard measuring tool used to determine the Brix %, or sugar content in a solution.
A simple handheld thermometer with digital display and stainless steel temperature probe.
An easy to read 30.5cm / 12" thermometer.
A Stainless Steel ThermaData® data logger - ideal for food, pharmaceutical and other high temperature applications.
A USB cradle setup for the ThermaData Logger. It includes a start magnet cradle, USB lead and also comes with ThermaData Studio software. This particular USB cradle is supplied with a 1 metre PVC lead.
An easy-to-read stick on thermometer for demijohns, fermentation bins and barrels.
A vinometer, used for a fast approximation of the alcohol percentage of a liquid.
A wine thief; an ingenious device used for collecting samples for testing from fermenters.
A 40ml wine thief pipette. These are used to collect samples from fermentation vessels for testing.
pH7 buffer solution capsules used for the recalibration of pH meters.
A block of 80 strips of litmus paper, used for pH testing. Comes with an easy to read colour comparison chart.
The RAPT Pill acts as both a real-time gravity testing hydrometer and thermometer allowing instant gravity and temperature measurements and also logging from inside your fermenter during fermentation.