USB Cradle, Software and Start Magnet

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This USB cradle is an accessory of the ETI ThermaData Logger (a temperature recording thermometer). It includes a start magnet cradle, USB lead and also comes with ThermaData Studio software. This particular USB cradle is supplied with a 1 metre PVC lead.

ThermaData Studio software features many different useful functions including the ability to display readings on a graph with user-selectable trace colours. Any files downloaded can all be easily identified and allows data management to be carried out efficiently.

The software even allows logging samples and interval rates to be programmed. One of the advantages of selecting continuous logging in the software options is the fact the ThermaData logger only needs to be started once and its parameters never have to be reset again, even if information is downloaded regularly.

This logger cradle is supplied complete with ThermaData Studio software and a start magnet.

Each USB cradle is supplied with a 1 metre PVC lead.

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