

Super concentrated formula which makes up to 120 gallons. Cleans and sterilises all your home brew equipment in one operation. Can also be used for household use (e.g. tea pots, mugs, cookware, cutlery etc.).

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A small bag containing 10g of sterilising powder. Used for Sterilising equipment prior to fermenting or brewing.

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A tub of 50 Campden tablets from Young's.

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A 100g tub of Campden powder, used in cidermaking to subdue wild yeast for a more predictable and consistent fermentation and also for cleaning and sterilisation.

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A 100g tub of VWP cleaning and sterilising compound. This super concentrated formula will make up to 30 gallons of solution an dis perfect for use in homebrewing and general household cleaning applications.

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A 100g tub of steriliser from Young's. Perfect for cleaning your equipment before homebrewing.

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A tub of sodium metabisulphite, available in 100g, 500g and 1kg amounts.

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