12 Litre Hobby Fruit Press

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Looking for an affordable and easy way to make your own fresh juice or cider? Look no further than our 12 litre apple press! 

The fruit press comes with:

  • Full assembly instructions 
  • Spacer blocks 
  • Food grade grease 
  • Straining bag 
  • Basic cider and juice making booklet

This popular entry-level apple press is perfect for beginners and uses a traditional spindle mechanism and pressure plate to gently extract juice from your fruit, retaining maximum flavour and nutrients. Plus, if you try one of our apple presses, we'll give you 10% off the price of a larger press in the future. 

Please note that apples must be crushed into a pomace before pressing, and we recommend checking out our 'How To Crush Apples' and 'Crushers and Mills' sections for further information.  For a low-budget option, we suggest pairing the 12 Litre Hobby Fruit Press with the popular 'Pulpmaster with Bucket' which pairs perfectly. Start making your own delicious juice and cider today!

The press is super easy to use! Even children can have a go and enjoy their making their own fresh fruit juice! (With adult supervision of course). Here's how:

  1. Set up the press cage on the metal base.
  2. Fill with crushed fruit.
  3. Place the two halves of the pressure plate over the fruit pulp and fit the press block and mechanism onto the spindle.
  4. Using the supplied metal handle for additional leverage, twist the spindle mechanism the begin pressing the fruit.
  5. In no time at all you will see fresh juice beginning to flow from between the slats!
  6. Be sure to have a bucket or other vessel at the ready to catch the juice.
  7. Store the juice for later, or enjoy it right away if it's just too irresistible!
  • Maximum Basket Capacity: 11kg
  • Juice Output: 11L/hour (assuming 3 pressings per hour)
  • Overall height: 59 cm / 23¼" 
  • Overall diameter: 37½ cm / 14¾"
  • Cage diameter: 27½ cm / 10¾"
  • Cage height: 27 cm / 10½"

Easy to clean, simply hose down with fresh water after use and dry with a clean cloth. Lubricate the non-food contact metal parts with food grade grease; this will also inhibit corrosion of these parts. Store in a clean, dry place.